Open Access BASE2012

Gender related asylum claims in Europe : a comparative analysis of law, policies and practice focusing on women in nine EU Member States : France, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Romania, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom


Acknowledgement: The University of Malta would like to acknowledge its gratitude to the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy for their permission to upload this work on OAR@UoM. Further reuse of this document can be made, provided the source is acknowledged. This work was made available with the help of the Publications Office of the European Union, Copyright and Legal Issues Section. ; This research considers the law, policies and practice for gender-related asylum claims in nine EU Member States. The resulting comparative analysis demonstrates the many disparities in the way EU Member States handle such claims. The report concludes that women are not guaranteed consistent gender-sensitive treatment when they seek protection in Europe. It identifies a number of recommendations for a range of institutions in order to achieve a gender-sensitive asylum system across Europe ; N/A

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