Open Access BASE1993

Race relations : native peoples and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police : Canada's challenge


This thesis is an examination of the relationship between Canada's Aboriginal peoples and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and how over time, this relationship has evolved. More and more, native peoples are calling for increased control over their own affairs, including native-controlled policing programs. Thus, in order to respond to these pressures there is a need for alternative approaches to the issue of federal, provincial, and local responsibilities for the delivery for policing services to native communities and reserves. Further, the recent political developments in relations between Aboriginal peoples and government have enhanced the position of Native peoples in society by emphasizing their unique rights, aspirations and cultural identities as individuals and communities. As the consolidation of special status becomes more firmly rooted in various services and programs, government has been, and will continue to be under pressure to deal with the policing needs of Native peoples in more direct terms. These developments are premised on the simple notions that Aboriginal communities are entitled to effective and culturally sensitive law enforcement services just as is any other community within Canada.

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