Open Access BASE2016


In: Maribor


Med pomembnimi mejniki v razvoju evropskega sistema DDV moramo vsekakor omeniti 1. januar 1992, ko so bile odpravljene davčne meje med državami članicami Evropske unije. Če se je do tega datuma dobava blaga v drugo državo članico Evropske unije štela kot izvoz blaga, ki so ga nadzorovali carinski organi, je s tem dnem odpravljen oziroma prepovedan nadaljnji sistematičen nadzor blaga, ki se dobavlja iz ene države v drugo. Carinski organi so izgubili svoje pristojnosti za nadzor tega dela trgovine na notranjem trgu ; obstoječe nadzorne mehanizme so nadomestili novi, pristojnost pa se je prenesla na davčne organe. Del nalog, ki jih je do vstopa Slovenije v Evropsko unijo opravljala carina, je odpadel na davčne zavezance. Ob vstopu Slovenije v Evropsko unijo se je povečala tudi zunanjetrgovinska menjava. Zaradi povečanega poslovanja Slovenije z državami članicami Evropske unije so se začeli pojavljati tristranski posli in posledično tudi verižni posli med večimi udeleženci. Pravi tristranski posli potekajo med tremi udeleženci (pridobitelj, dobavitelj in prejemnik), ki so identificirani za davek na dodano vrednost v svoji državi Evropske unije. Blago poteka med udeleženci v verigi, in sicer od dobavitelja do prejemnika blaga. Pridobitelj nastopa med njima le kot neke vrste posrednik. Ti posli so z davčnega vidika v Zakonu o davku na dodano vrednost posebej urejeni. Problem nastopi pri nepravih tristranskih poslih in verižnih poslih, npr. ko je eden od udeležencev fizična oseba, ko nastopa udeleženec iz tretje države, ko so udeleženi več kot trije davčni zavezanci, itd… V okviru magistrske naloge bom analizirala osnovne značilnosti pravih tristranskih poslov, nepravih tristranskih poslov in verižne posle. Glede na to, da je pri pravih tristranskih poslih določen kraj obdavčitve in pogoji, na osnovi katerih kupec ne obračuna DDV od pridobitve blaga, je potrebno pri nepravih tristranskih poslih in verižnih poslih pred določitvijo kraja in časa nastanka davčne obveznosti ugotoviti, kje je dobavitelj prenesel lastništvo na blagu na pridobitelja in kje mu je izročil blago. Z davčnega vidika so ti posli zelo zahtevni, zato je v Šesti smernici določena posebna ureditev, ki želi te posle poenostaviti in jih obdavčit le enkrat. ; Among the important milestones in the development of the European VAT system, we must certainly mention the January 1, 1992, when fiscal borders between the Member States of the European Union were abolished. If the supply of goods to another Member State of the European Union, to this date counted as export of goods, which were monitored by the customs authorities, from that date, the systematic control of goods, which were supplied from one country to another, vas forbidden. Customs authorities did lose their powers to control this part of the trade in the internal market ; the existing control mechanisms were replaced by new ones ; competence has been transferred to the tax authorities. Parts of the tasks which are to Slovenia's entry into the European Union perform by customs authorities, vas transferred to taxpayer. When Slovenia joined the European Union, it has also increased its foreign trade. Due to the increased Slovenian business with EU Member States, trilateral transactions and, consequently, chain transactions between multiple participants have started to emerge. Real tripartite transactions take place between the three parties (the acquirer, supplier and recipient) who are identified for value added tax in its own European Union country. Goods are transferred between the actors in the chain, from the supplier to the consignee. The acquirer is getting between them only as a sort of agent. These transactions in tax terms are specifically decorated in the Law on Value Added Tax. The problem occurs in the quasi-tripartite transactions and chain transactions, for example when one of the participants is a person, when a participant is from a third country, when they are more than three taxpaying participants, etc. In this master's thesis I will analysed the basic characteristics of real trilateral business, quasi-tripartite business and chain business. Given that the real trilateral engagements have known place of taxation and the conditions, based on which the buyer does not charge VAT on the acquisition of goods, are known, for the quasi-tripartite transactions and chain transactions it is necessary before determining the location of taxation and the time when the tax liabilities arise, to determine where the supplier transferred ownership of the goods to the purchaser and where he handed over the goods. From a tax perspective, these transactions are very complex, fir that the sixth guideline provides a specific regulation, which seeks to simplify this business and be taxed only once.

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