Open Access BASE2018

Sustainability and sustainability marketing in competing for the title of European Capital of Culture ; Trajnost in trženje trajnosti v tekmovanju za naziv Evropske prestolnice kulture


Background and Purpose: An analysis of the dimension of sustainability in the context of competing for the title of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) is included in the article. The authors of the research agree that the proper integration of cultural policy into the social system impacts and changes cultural values and beliefs, shifting them towards sustainable behaviour and sustainability. Many authors analyse the interrelation between culture and sustainability, thus defining the role of culture for sustainability. However, few discuss possible approaches or tools, which may offer assistance in the matter of how to reach sustainability in the context of culture. Design/Methodology/Approach: Research is based on the comparative analysis of the applications of the respective cities. The TBL methodology is implemented using the content analysis method as a tool. The outcomes of the content analysis are then used for the elaboration of the qualitative multi-attribute model using the DEX methodology. Results: While analysing bidding documents for the ECoC we: a) define the importance of the marketing plan (described as a comprehensive action) and b) argue that ECoC marketing needs to be turned to "sustainability marketing" as it is described and defined by many authors. Conclusions: The ECoC Commission should consider the importance of culture for sustainable development and, respectively, should evaluate the marketing plan of applicants under the sustainability framework. ; Ozadje in namen: V članku je predstavljena analiza razsežnosti trajnosti v kontekstu konkuriranja za naslov Ev­ropske prestolnice kulture (EPK). Avtorji raziskave se strinjajo, da ustrezno vključevanje kulturne politike v družbeni sistem vpliva na in spreminja kulturne vrednote in prepričanja v smeri trajnostnega vedenja in trajnosti. Mnogi avtorji analizirajo medsebojno povezanost med kulturo in trajnostjo, s čimer opredeljujejo vlogo kulture za trajnost. Vendar le redki razpravljajo o možnih pristopih ali orodjih, ki lahko nudijo pomoč pri tem, kako doseči trajnost v kontekstu kulture. Zasnova / metodologija / pristop: Raziskava temelji na primerjalni analizi vlog posameznih mest. Metodologija TBL se izvaja z uporabo metode analize vsebine kot orodja. Rezultate analize vsebine nato uporabimo za izdelavo kvalitativnega multi-atributnega modela z metodo DEX. Rezultati: Pri analizi dokumentacije za zbiranje ponudb za EPK smo: a) opredelili pomen trženjskega načrta (opisanega kot celovit ukrep) in b) ugotovili, da je treba trženje ECoC obrniti na "trženje trajnosti", kot to opisujejo in opredeljujejo v mnogi avtorji. Zaključki: Komisija za izbor EPK bi morala upoštevati pomen kulture za trajnostni razvoj in bi morala oceniti tržni načrt prosilcev v okviru trajnostnega okvira.

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