Open Access BASE2009

Desarrollo humano y convergencia regional en Michoacán, 1980-2005



Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales. Ciencias del Desarrollo Regional ; In the present investigation he/she thinks about to settle down how it influences the human development in the socioeconomic dynamics of the regions of the State of Michoacán to propose politics approaches that impel the regional development of the entity under a territorial perspective of the endogenous development. According to the above-mentioned we can establish that the conception of the Human Development of which leaves is the one outlined by the Program of United Nations for the Development (UNDP 2005) and that an even methodology exists its mensuration that is expressed in the Index of Human (constituted by three dimensions health, education and entrance) Development and that regularly from 1992 the international organism comes calculating and reporting under the format of annual world reports, also this mensuration you is also carried out at level of studies country and knead regions, federative entities or its equivalent (departments, counties, etc.) ones and municipalities in a considerable quantity of countries most of which carry out them in coordination with the own UNDP, however and independent studies also exist in territorial different environments. On the other hand, in accordance with the Latin American Institute of Economic and Social Planeación (ILPES 2005), from the territorial perspective of the endogenous development, the study of the socioeconomic regional and municipal dynamics can be approached starting from considering the population's characteristics, the migration, the health, the education (aspects already considered in IDH of UNDP), housing and services, the employment, the generation of wealth and its distribution (also considered in IDH), the participation of the economic sectors, the localization, the specialization, the space concentration, the restructuring, the association and the geographical (Silva, 2007a) redistribution. ; En la presente investigación se plantea establecer cómo ...

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