Open Access BASE2015

A Humanist in the Kitchen : Platina's De honesta voluptate et valetudine


This article analyses Platina's De honesta voluptate et valetudine as an emblematic example of how an accurate philological analysis can help to clarify the theoretical contexts in which a work can be placed and even provide a clearer grasp of its philosophical assumptions. In this literary work, which is both a cookbook and a dietetic manual, Platina interwove a variety of ancient and modern sources, more or less easily discernible: he did not limit himself to collect Martino of Como's recipes, but crossed the threshold of the kitchen by combining the teaching of medieval dietetics, which was based on Galen's theory of bodily humours, with some Stoic assumptions, which he viewed as not being in conflict with a moderate pursuit of the pleasure of eating. In doing so, he developed an intriguing reflection on living well according to which happiness tends to coincide with physical wellbeing.

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