Open Access BASE2006

Globalization, education and (re) institutionalization of contemporary childhood


In the actual conditions of modernity, the complex, tense and intrinsically contradictory process of the social globalization is developed in the educative field in peculiar way, configuring the public education of masses as a field of constraints and possibilities, in some levels. The tension between the constraints and the possibilities is inherent to the ruled or emancipatory orientation promoted by the hegemonic globalization or by the anti hegemonic globalization, respectively. The inherent contradictions to the structuration of the educative public space express in "long term" e in the construction of the concrete educative politics. The expansion of the public school of masses, its extension and widening and the construction of a universal model of configuration of the educative institutions, curricula pertaining to school and practical and dynamic the pedagogical ones constitute the essential aspect of the globalization in "long term". The promotion of educational rights and its universalization, the generalization of the access to education, without restrictions of classes, race, gender, ethnic, geographic space or "disability", still that not total carried through, it suffered progresses you designated. Furthermore, the educative field constitutes a space of permanent tension enters the reproduction of the social inequalities and the promotion of expansion politics, for saw educative, of the social rights. The contradictions are expressed in the interior of the regulating space of the agencies of control and educational examination and in the internal tensions of the national educative systems in the peripheral and half-peripherals countries. In the plan of the construction of the concrete educative politics, the tensions have expression in the generalization of the neoliberal politics, with the fast expansion of the privatized orientations and the imposition of the market logic, through measures of evaluation of schools, pupils and teachers, guided for the competition and the efficiency of results, ...

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