Open Access BASE2001

The Use of Data from the Ministry of the Interior to Measure Inflows in France ; L'utilisation des données du ministère de l'intérieur pour mesurer les flux d'immigration en France


Communication dans le Workshop "Statistical Administrative Sources for Migration" du programme MED-MIGR de la Commission européenne, tenu à l'Ined, Paris, 25-27 avril 2001 ; Since the coming into force of the latest law regulating the entry and the stay of foreigners in France (11th May 1998), every year the Ministry of the Interior is required to submit to the Parliament a statistical report showing the number of residence permits delivered. At the same time, for over twenty years now, INED has published in the "Population" review an article on the demographic situation called «La chonique de l'immigration». In 1999, for the first time, INED was able to obtain a certain number of aggregated statistical tables from the information service of the Ministry, which contains information on the residence permits delivered between 1994 and 1997 and which were then divided according to a limited number of variables. In the year 2000, after the Ministry's decision to stop producing these tables, the Institute has performed instead an extraction based on anonymate of a part of individual information, on which users may perform instructions of their choice. INED, which has a copy of these records, has been able to carry out its own data processing to establish flows. In practice, implementation of the UN statistical recommendation should consist in selecting among the Ministry of the Interior records those foreigners who have obtained for the first time a residence permit of a duration equal to or higher than one year. ; Pour comptabiliser la migration internationale, il faut d'abord se donner une définition permettant d'identifier, dans le flot d'immigrés étrangers qui franchissent chaque année les frontières d'un pays, lesquels peuvent être effectivement considérés comme des migrants internationaux. Les organisations internationales, au premier plan desquelles les Nations Unies, tentent depuis plusieurs décennies, pour des raisons essentiellement de comparabilité internationale des données, de faire converger les ...

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