Open Access BASE2018

Trabajo, Caridad, Justicia


From the very start of his apostolic activity Blessed Josemaría Escrivá proclaimed the calling to holiness in ordinary life, i.e., in the normal circumstances of human existence. Among the set of occupations that comprise ordinary life (social relations, family obligations, political or cultural activities), Blessed Josemaría always stressed one in particular: work. Why did he do so? The motives which explain this fact are clear: in speaking of work, blessed Josemaría Escrivá always referred to professional work, to dedication to a stable occupation, to a profession that defines a man's position in society. Understood and valued in this light, work beco mes the axis around which the ordinary Christian's spiritual life and apostolic action may and should be structured, as he is called to sanctify his profession, to sanctify himself in his profession, and to sanctify others with his profession. The ideal of the sanctification of work logically includes the social reality in which the activity of working takes place. The perspective of a Christian animation of earthly milieus and structures forms an essential part of the message of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá who, at the same time, always placed a strong accent on the personal freedom with which each Christian should face his own task. After pointing out the basic coordinates of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá's doctrine on work, the article proceeds to analyze the evolution that the reflection on work has experienced in recent Catholic thought and doctrine, from the theological essays published in the 1940s and 1950s, until the encyclical Laboren exercens. These historical considerations lead to a fundamental conclusion: any reflection on work that aspires to be conclusive needs to be performed with a clearly theological focus. From this perspective, the author reconsiders the teachings of Blessed Josemaría Escrivá, devoting special attention to the vigor with which Msgr. Escrivá stressed the need for a fusion between the life of prayer and of work, and the connection between Christian perfection and human perfection. ; 1. El trabajo, elemento nuclear de la doctrina espiritual del beato ]osemaría Escrivá. 2. Trabajo profesional y vivencia cristiana. 3. En la cumbre de todas las actividades humanas. 4. En torno a los desarrollos de la teología del trabajo. 5. Responsabilidad social, caridad, justicia.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra



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