Open Access BASE2014

El PRT-ERP en el exilio. Armas, comunismo y derechos humanos


The research focused on the PRT-ERP have been restricted to the period leading up to the coup of March 24, 1976 or the death of the top party leader, Mario Roberto Santucho (July 19, 1976 ). The subsequent history of the organization -that is largely the story of a rupture occurs in early 1979- has not been studied. However, the not always intelligible reorientation of political practices and ideological affiliations, and the subsequent tour of the groups resulting from this break formed the basis of relevant both internationally and nationally historical experiences. Two groups were distinguished after the party schism of 1979: one led by Enrique Gorriarán Merlo and one nucleated around Luis Mattini, which kept the name of PRT. These groups plotted with their respective reorientations the amplitude of a distance that goes from the armed activity in Latin American lands, on one hand (group Gorriarán Merlo), and eurocomunismo, on the other (PRT led by Luis Mattini). Between them, a space of boundaries much more mobile, diffuse and extended (in time and space) is configured: the human rights movement This article deals with party politics in the early days of exile and the story of the rupture process, analyzing the variables that determined the individual affiliations, among which highlights the sensitivities to the political options opened by the international space . ; Las intervenciones de diverso tipo que han tenido al PRT-ERP como objeto se han restringido al período que culmina con el golpe de Estado del 24 de marzo de 1976 o con la muerte del máximo líder partidario, Mario Roberto Santucho (19 de julio de 1976). La historia posterior de la organización que es, en gran medida, la historia de una ruptura que sobreviene a comienzos de 1979, no ha sido estudiada. Sin embargo, tanto las reorientaciones no siempre inteligibles de prácticas políticas y filiaciones ideológicas como el recorrido posterior de los grupos que resultaron de dicha ruptura constituyeron la base de experiencias históricas relevantes tanto ...


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Departamento de Historia; Facultad de Humanidades

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