Open Access BASE1932

TELEGRAMAS MAYO 1932 (3 of 9)


Telegrams exchanged between Gen. Plutarco Elías Calles and the following Oaxacan parties: the Mixtec Democratric Party, the Usileño socialist Party, the Radical Workers Party, the Chichilteco Socialist Party, the Socialist Revolutionary Party, the Nochixteco Party, the Regional Labor Party, the Oaxaqueño Socialist Party, the Confederate Socialist Parties, the Yautepeco Socialist Party, the Regional Labor Party, the Socialist Revolutionary Party, the Francisco I. Madero Party, the Huateco Reconstruction Socialist Party, the Socialist Labor Party, the Freedom and Justice Party, the Coastal Socialist Party, the Laollaga Regional Party, the Social Political Party, the Union of Land owners of Tampico, Francisco López Cortés, private citizens, Governors, the Presidents of the various parties, Congressmen and Commanders of Operations. The aforementioned telegrams concern the support of a candidate for governor, establishment of an insurance company, prosecution for murder, an occupational accident lawsuit, issues with election processes, issues with the distribution of land parcels, conclusion of works in Mazatlán, requests for appointments, congratulatory greetings, the Financial problems in Puebla, expressions of support, wages deductions, an invitation to a bullfight. / Telegramas entre el Gral. PEC y los partidos oaxaqueños: Democrático Mixteco, Socialista Usileño, Radical de los Trabajadores, Socialista Chichilteco, Socialista Revolucionario, Nochixteco, Regional Laborista, Socialista Oaxaqueño, Socialistas Confederados, Socialista Yautepeco, Regionalista del Trabajo, Socialista Revolucionario, Francisco I. Madero, Socialista Reconstructor Huauteco, Socialista del Trabajo, Libertad y Justicia, Socialista Costeño, Regionalista Laollaga, Político Social, Unión de Propietarios de Tampico, Francisco López Cortés, particulares, Gobernadores, Presidentes de Partido, Diputados y Jefes de Operaciones, acerca de: apoyo de candidato a Gobernador, formación de una compañía de seguros, proceso por asesinato, demanda por accidente de trabajo, problemas en procesos electorales, problemas por fraccionamiento de parcelas, terminación de obras en Mazatlán, solicitudes de audiencia, felicitaciones, problemas financieros en Puebla, manifestaciones de adhesión, descuentos a salarios e invitación a fiesta taurina.

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