Open Access BASE2022

Drivers and barriers in the transition to open science: the perspective of stakeholders in the Spanish scientific community ; Factores facilitadores y barreras en la transición a la ciencia abierta: perspectiva de los agentes del sistema científico español


This paper presents the results of a research study whose objective was to identify the facilitating factors and barriers that, in the opinion of representatives of the Spanish scientific community, impact the implementation of the new open science model in four areas: open access, open research data, research assessment and open peer review. A qualitative study was designed in which information was obtained through interviews with researchers, editors of scientific journals, representatives of assessment agencies and vice-chancellors, and through a focus group of librarians with expertise in aspects of open science. The enabling factors and barriers identified were related to the researcher and the fruit of their research, as well as to the scientific ecosystem, which provides direct institutional support and backing (universities/research centres), the regulatory framework (management of the science system) and the science communication system (media). The results indicate that a shift in scientific practices toward the open science model can only be achieved if there is a policy framework that integrates all initiatives and links into the scientific assessment and reward system, and if the necessary funding is in place to support this transition. ; Se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuyo objetivo era identificar los factores facilitadores y las barreras que, en opinión de la comunidad científica española, inciden en la implantación del nuevo modelo de ciencia abierta en cuatro ámbitos: acceso abierto, datos de investigación abiertos, evaluación de la investigación y revisión por pares abierta. Se diseñó un estudio cualitativo en el que se recabó información a través de entrevistas con investigadores, editores de revistas científicas, representantes de agencias de evaluación y vicerrectores, así como un focus group con bibliotecarios expertos en aspectos de ciencia abierta. Los factores facilitadores y las barreras identificadas estaban relacionados con el investigador y el fruto de su ...

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