Open Access BASE2013

Maternal Mortality in West Sumatra Province: An Analysis of the Impact of Quality of Midwifery Care in the Hospital


This is a case-control study about the relationship between the qualities of midwifery care, other factors, and the incidence of maternal mortality in the hospitals. Information collected were midwives placement, midwives working environment, and material support in the hospitals. Unmatched midwives placement leads to maternal mortality by 3.86 times compared to the matched midwives placement. Unmatched quality of midwifery care causes maternal mortality by 6.74 times compared to the matched quality midwifery care. Unmatched midwives working leads to maternal mortality by 1.11 times compared to the matched working environment. Also, unmatched support materials causes maternal mortality by 1.55 times compared to the matched support material. There is a relationship between midwives placement and maternal mortality with p< 0.05. There is also a significant relationship of quality of midwifery care to maternal mortality with p< 0.001 in the government-owned hospitals.

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