Open Access BASE2012

Uji Keandalan Model Harmonisasi Hubungan Industrial pada Gudang Tembakau di Kabupaten Jember


The purpose of this paper is to study the reliability of a harmonization model of industrial relations at the tobacco warehouse in KabupatenJember. By employing a scoring technique, cross-tabulation, and focus group discussion (FGD), it is found that the model still needs revision in the form of: (1) improving some protection attributes such as increasing routine wages, the establishment of cooperation to replace the function of cooperation, the formation of labor insurance programsto substitute JAMSOSTEK (Labor Social Security System), increasing labor knowledge about SPSI (Indonesian WorkersUnion),improving relationship between labor - SPSI and between labor-company; (2) involvingthe Indonesian Tobacco Association (ITA) to accompany government to control and facilitate industrial relations at tobacco warehouse; (3) replacing the role of supervisors to communicate the relationship between labor and companyby supervisors which hasa more strategic position because of their position in the board of SPSI. The simulated model just could increase the score of protection and statisfiction, but had not made industrial relations in harmony yet. The harmonious industrial relations are only found at PT Perkebunan Nusantara(PTPN X) before and after the application of the model.




Management Study Program, Faculty of Business and Economics, Petra Christian University

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