Open Access BASE2017

(Re) Politizando la Solidariedad Internacional: Pensando la Cooperación como Educación para una Ciudadanía Global Radical


[EN] The present moment of crisis regarding the identity and the resources of development aid calls for a deep reflection in order to recover the sense and the transformative aim of international development. In this work, we consider that we can recover a transformative agenda if we consider development aid as an space in which transformative learning processes take place. These learning processes lead to the construction of what can be called a ¿radical global citizenship¿. In development aid, individuals and organizations work together in social change processes. In these processes, people and organizations change through process of emergent and informal learning. Instead of considering development education as part of development cooperation, we can understand development cooperation as a transformative process of learning for development. In this work we explore the case of Spanish organizations that have supported Colombian ones, with whom they have established relations of solidarity. We will see that these relations have contributed to the defence of Human Rights in Colombia but also that mutual learning between organizations has contributed to the construction of civil society and democracy, in Spain and Colombia and at global spaces. From these experiences we can get some key implications in order to rethink the existing development aid system, form the perspective of the development education, and in order to advance towards a more transformative agenda for the development aid. ; [ES] En un momento en el que la cooperación internacional está sometida a una profunda crisis identitaria y de recursos, resulta necesario una profunda reflexión sobre cómo recuperar su sentido y agenda transformadoras. En este trabajo, se entiende que se puede recuperar esta agenda abordando la cooperación internacional como un espacio en el cual se pueden dar procesos de educación transformadora que pueden contribuir a la construcción de lo que podemos llamar una "ciudadanía global radical". A través de la cooperación, ...


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira e Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade do Porto

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