Open Access BASE2020

Performance of a Set of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Lines With Introgressions From Its Wild Relative S. incanum Under Open Field and Screenhouse Conditions and Detection of QTLs


[EN] Introgression lines (ILs) of eggplant (Solanum melongena) represent a resource of high value for breeding and the genetic analysis of important traits. We have conducted a phenotypic evaluation in two environments (open field and screenhouse) of 16 ILs from the first set of eggplant ILs developed so far. Each of the ILs carries a single marker-defined chromosomal segment from the wild eggplant relative S. incanum (accession MM577) in the genetic background of S. melongena (accession AN-S-26). Seventeen agronomic traits were scored to test the performance of ILs compared to the recurrent parent and of identifying QTLs for the investigated traits. Significant morphological differences were found between parents, and the hybrid was heterotic for vigour-related traits. Despite the presence of large introgressed fragments from a wild exotic parent, individual ILs did not display differences with respect to the recipient parent for most traits, although significant genotype x environment interaction (G x E) was detected for most traits. Heritability values for the agronomic traits were generally low to moderate. A total of ten stable QTLs scattered across seven chromosomes was detected. For five QTLs, the S. incanum introgression was associated with higher mean values for plant- and flower-related traits, including vigour prickliness and stigma length. For one flower- and four fruit-related-trait QTLs, including flower peduncle and fruit pedicel lengths and fruit weight, the S. incanum introgression was associated with lower mean values for fruit-related traits. Evidence of synteny to other previously reported in eggplant populations was found for three of the fruit-related QTLs. The other seven stable QTLs are new, demonstrating that eggplant ILs are of great interest for eggplant breeding under different environments. ; This work was undertaken as part of the initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting, and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives", which is supported by the Government of ...

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