Open Access BASE2015

La restauración de la arquitectura de tapia de 1980 a la actualidad a través de los fondos del Ministerio de Cultura y del Ministerio de Fomento del Gobierno de España. Criterios, técnicas y resultados


[EN] The main objective of this PhD is to analyse the diverse interventions that have been made with public funds on rammed earth monumental architecture for the last thirty years. The growing interest on the study of earthen architecture that developed in Europe after the energetic crisis of the seventies arrived to Spain too, although later. As the interest on these historical earthen architecture structures grows and somehow as a direct consequence of it, the number of restoration projects on monumental buildings built originally using the rammed earth technique increases. Interventions on earthen architecture at the Iberian Peninsula started increasing in the decade of 1980, so these works have some time now and it is possible to analyse them with some perspective. These restorations, together with the studies centred on the constructive technique, have been previously analysed and studied in some cases in an isolated way, focused on one particular building or on a certain area of the peninsular territory. That is the reason why the starting hypothesis of this research is the importance of carrying out a study and global analysis of the diverse experiences on restoration of earthen architecture carried out on the Spanish territory, always aware of the own limitations of the study, limited both in the lapse of time considered (from 1980 to nowadays) and in the investigative sources considered, direct and indirect, linked to the national structure (Culture Ministry, Development Ministry and the particular case of Culture Regional Government of Andalucía). More than thirty years ago, when the first experiences of intervention on rammed earth buildings were carried out, there was barely a solid corpus of knowledge of the technique and its peculiarities, and even less knowledge of the variety of possible interventions that could be carried out on rammed earth architectural monumental heritage and of their results on the medium and large term. As time passed, the technicians that have intervened these kinds of ...

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