Open Access BASE2013

Politik Luar Negeri Malaysia Setelah Keputusan Mahkamah Internasional Tahun 2002 Tentang Sipadan-Ligitan


This writing is explaining about studies of Malaysia Foreign Politics prior tothe decision of International Court for Justice (ICJ) in 2002 regardingSipadan-Ligitan islands. Malaysia continues their initiatives policy of whatthey called "Peta Baru (New Map) 1979". Malaysia did unilateral act inislands Ambalat, Bintan and Sebatik. The problem is why Malaysia is doing theinitiatives policy of their 1979 New Maps. To explain the problem of thisresearch we use Foreign Politics theory by Graham T. Allison by usingbureaucratic politics model. The conclusion of the research is "There is arelation between the decision of ICJ in 2002 regarding Sipadan-Ligitan islandswith Malaysia policy of foreign politics through their unilateral act in Ambalat,Bintan and Sebatik islands. The ICJ – 2002 decisions become a strength forMalaysia to do unilateral act to obtain their sea territorial boundary





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