Open Access BASE2019

Vigencia de Ricardo Palma en el Centenario de su fallecimiento ; Validity of Ricardo Palma in the Centenary of his death


ResumenEste artículo sostiene la vigencia de Palma hoy así como la de GonzálezPrada; ambos representan dos momentos de la conciencia crítica del Perú.Mariátegui y Haya de la Torre los reivindican. Lima crea el escenario en elque crecerá Palma marcando sus influencias. Palma es un peruano ejemplarque hace universal lo local desarrollándose no solo en el campo delas tradiciones, narrativa, poesía, periodismo, teatro, sino también en elcampo político habiendo sido deportado varias veces.Palabras clave: globalización, localización, conciencia crítica del Perú,Lima. Abstract:This article sustains the importance of Palma today as well as that of GonzálezPrada, both representing two moments of the critical conscience of Peru; Mariáteguiand Haya de la Torre vindicate them. Lima creates the stage in which Palmawill develop, marking its influences. Palma is an outstanding Peruvian who universalizeswhat is local, developing not only in the field of traditions, narrative,poetry, journalism, and theatre but also in the political field, having been deportedseveral times.Keywords: Globalization, localization, critical awareness of Peru, Lima ; This article sustains the importance of Palma today as well as that of GonzálezPrada, both representing two moments of the critical conscience of Peru; Mariáteguiand Haya de la Torre vindicate them. Lima creates the stage in which Palmawill develop, marking its influences. Palma is an outstanding Peruvian who universalizeswhat is local, developing not only in the field of traditions, narrative,poetry, journalism, and theatre but also in the political field, having been deportedseveral times.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Instituto Ricardo Palma de la Universidad Ricardo Palma



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