Open Access BASE2018

Student geographical mobility and labor market outcomes: evidences from Italy


The aim of this thesis is to discover the association between geographical mobility and labour markets outcomes of Italian early graduates. Even if is an argument widely trated in literature, I'll try to investigate the evolution of the \Brain Drain" process in light of recents event: the nancial crisis of 2007-2008 and the cut back in higher education. Migration decisions are closely related to degree of social mobilty in a country, especially where there are strong interregionals dierences as in Italy where, analyse migration path evolution of human capital might be very useful to policy makers intent to reduce regional gaps and improve the \equality of opportunity" level. Take into account migration endogeneity, the results suggest a positive eect of spatial mobility on economic performance with dierences according to movement trajectories. However some limits, due also to the lack of adequate data, indicate that further researchs are necessary in order to identify a causal relation. The thesis is strutured as follows: the rst chapter explains push and pull factros related to migration and the connection with social mobility, wage inequality and regional development. The chapter two presents an estimation of the return to geographical mobility of early graduates wages while the third chapter present the estimation of return from geographical mobility in terms of employment condition using a dataset summarizing information coming from three dierent sources: Almalaurea, Infostud and Ministry of Labor.

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