Open Access BASE2000

Retórica y política


Este capítulo demuestra cómo la retórica estaba unida a la política desde sus orígenes, en el siglo quinto a.C. en Grecia. ; This chapter demonstrates how Rhetoric is linked to Politics from its early origins, in the fifth century B.C. in Greece; but Rhetoric (and language itself, actually) can be considered a political act either from Ancient Greece to the present time. Every speech act has no sense if not presented with its live context, and this context is always social (an so political in the sense of public , communicated to the polis), persuasive, and rhetorical.In these pages the reader will find an extraordinary well-documented analysis of the origins of Oratory and Rhetoric as a political need of the polis, and how language is still socio-political, according to many modern linguistic theories to which López Eire agrees.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Asociación Española de Estudios sobre Lengua, Pensamiento y Cultura Clásica

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