Open Access BASE2018

Bullying in students belonging to immigrant families in Primary Schools



Ponencia de 6th International Conference on Intercultural Education "Education and Health: From a transcultural perspective" ; The bullying has affected many educational systems. The scientific community has studied the phenomenon and has developed many studies attempting to explain their etiology and operation. Administrations have developed policy and legislative initiatives, to sort out this need and social problems. This paper tries to investigate the bullying phenomenon in Andalusia. Students who are immigrants and who are in the 4th level of Elementary Education, do not know the Spanish language The study took data from Andalusian students who participated in the 2011 edition of the PIRLS assessment (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study). This evaluation has involved more than 4300 students in 150 selected schools. The data are about the level of reading comprehension. Previously, their mother tongues have been identified. The results show a higher rate of bullying in immigrant students than in the rest of the population, a lower yield. However the results don't imply that the student had been victims of bullying. There is a need to sort out these problems and we must continue investigating them in order to understand and provide solutions


Spanisch, Kastilisch



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