Open Access BASE2019

Номинативное поле медиаконцепта "майдан" в российских СМИ ; The Nominative Field of the Media Concept "Maydan" in Russian Media


The article deals with the description of the nominative field of one of the most significant concepts for the modern political communication - the concept "maydan" - in Russian mass media, most readily responding to the change in the life of society and to a great extent determining new phenomena in the national political conceptoshere. As long as the concept "maydan" is relatively new, and its conceptual structure is in the making, the nominative field of the concept is viewed in its dynamics, which makes it possible to follow the evolution of the political concept. ; Статья посвящена описанию номинативного поля одного из значимых для современной политической коммуникации концепта "майдан" в российских массмедиа.

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