Open Access BASE2019

Лингвистические средства ведения информационной войны ; Linguistic Means of Conducting Information War


The author of the given article analyzes linguistic means of conducting a modern information war. The study is based on the material of American and British printed media and their online versions The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Economist, The Guardian, The Telegraph, as well as the internet-resources of the TV channel BBC News highlighting mainly the Russian-American relations and the situation in Syria and Ukraine. The analysis results make it possible to identify various linguistic techniques and means used by the Western mass media as instruments of manipulat-ing mass consciousness and also show that the main aim of information aggression consists in purposive disinformation of the audience and promotion of a certain idea meant to produce ideological impact on the audience and to achieve the desired geopolitical goals. It is linguo-stylistic analysis of the foreign English-speaking press that acquires special importance in this context. One of the main tasks of the author of any material in the press is to create an unusual sensational headline; that is why headlines often produce manipulative impact upon the emotions of the reader (the most typical methods include: emo-tional-evaluative phraseologisms, hyperbole and metaphor. ; В данной статье на материале американских и британских СМИ приводится лингвистический анализ языковых средств ведения современной информационной войны.




Уральский государственный педагогический университет



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