Open Access BASE2019

Способы репрезентации прямой и непрямой речевой агрессии в англоязычных политических дебатах ; Representation of Direct and Indirect Verbal Aggression in English Political Debates


Nowadays philologists show a special interest in the question of what is the real basis of discursive be-havior of speakers and ensures their harmonious or non-harmonious interaction with others in various communicative situa-tions. The article addresses the issue of non-cooperative (aggressive) interaction between participants of political debates, and specifically response utterances of communicators with direct and indirect response intentionality, characterized by deviations from the established rules and norms of cooperative behavior. The plane of content of a direct response utterance, in case it is true, always coincides with the plane of its expression, whereas an indirect response utterance contains a direct meaning and an additional implicit meaning. The aim of the study is to systematize the tactics of expression of direct and indirect verbal aggression used by participants of political debates to realize certain strategies and pragmatic goals in the course of non-cooperative interaction. ; В статье рассматривается агрессивное взаимодействие участников политических дебатов.

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