Open Access BASE2020

Креолизованный текст в структуре пропагандистского дискурса ; Creolized Text in the Structure of Propaganda Discourse


The topic of the article seems to be urgent because modern linguistic science focuses on the peculiarities of creolized texts (their structure, semantics and pragmatics). It analyzes linguistic and extralinguistic features of propagan-da discourse which is quite popular in the Internet communication and aims at creating a certain type of mentality (including the radical one as well). This type may be characterized by a negative attitude to the modern state system and policy through the prism of religious worldview. The article analyzes the structure of creolized text as a combination of verbal and iconic components forming the basis for creation of new meanings. Metaphorical transfer of meaning, simile and analogy are the main linguistic methods of creation of this semantics. The article aims at defining the role of creolized text in extremist prop-aganda. The material under analysis includes extremist discourse seen as a set of socio-political or religious ideologically motivated messages. The purpose of such messages is verbal psychological manipulation of the people causing social vio-lence and provoking aggressive action against state authorities or a certain section of the population. ; В данной статье рассматривается роль креолизованного текста в пропаганде идей экстремизма.

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