Open Access BASE2019



In this era, technology is playing a central role in many areas of human life, but the classical hardcopy-based approaches are still being used for land registration. The Internet-based methods provide excellent facilities for overcoming the drawbacks handwritten-based style and communication among different government sectors. Nowadays, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is used to build professional electronic systems as big steps towards the Electronic government (E-government) system. One of the most important section of the E-government is the E-Land-Registration (ELR). Duhok Land Directorate, together with its sub-directorates work on a huge amount of data to process. These directorates suffer from the classical hardcopy-based approaches, so building an ELR system will reduce both the time consumption and paper waste. The improvement of the land registration system will also allow integration with the E-government system. The improvement of the land registration will enable communication between the land registration staff in one side and administration and financial directorates on the other. In this thesis, an efficient ELR system for Duhok land registration is proposed. The services of the database management system cover Employee Registration Module, Estates Registration Module, Operation Type Module, Estate Owners Module, Estate Status Module, View Information Module, and Login Employee Module. HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap tools were used for the design and implementation stages of the proposed ELR. ; TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENT……….……………………………………….……………………….……HA TA! YER İŞARETİ TANIMLANMAMIŞ. TABLE OF CONTENTS .III LIST OF FIGURES.VI LIST OF TABLES.VIII ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOL LISTS.IX ÖZET.XI ABSTRACT.X 1. INTRODUCTION . 1 1.1. The Aim of Study. 3 1.2. Thesis Outline . 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW . 4 2.1. Electronic DDLRS Development Tools……………….……………………………………….10 2.2. HTML . 10 2.3. CSS. 11 2.4. AJAX. 11 2.5. BOOTSTRAP. 12 2.6. JAVASCRIPT . 12 2.7. PHP . 13 2.8. MYSQL . 13 2.9. WWW . 14 2.10. WEB SERVER . 14 2.11. E-Government . 14 2.12. Database . 15 2.13. Database Management System (DBMS) . 16 2.14. Land Registration . 16 3. THE DESIGN AND STRUCTURE OF THE PROPOSED EMLRS. 18 3.1. Introduction. 18 3.2.The architecture of the EMLRS . 18 3.3. Mechanism of EMLRS Design . 19 3.4. System Requirements. 20 3.4.1. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT . 20 3.4.2. NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIRMENTS. 21 3.4.3. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS . 22 3.4.4. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS . 22 3.5. Proposed Duhok DLR Modules. 23 3.6. Modules of Proposed System. 24 3.6.1. EMPLOYEE REGISTRATION MODULE(EMRM). 24 3.6.2. ESTATES REGISTRATION MODULE(ESRM). 26 3.6.3. OPERATION TYPE MODULE(OTM). 27 3.6.4. ESTATE OWNERS MODULE(ESOM). 28 3.6.5. ESTATE ESTATUS MODULE(ESM). 29 3.6.6. VIEW INFORMATION MODULE(VIM). 31 3.6.7. LOGIN EMPLOYEE MODULE(LEM) . 34 3.7. Database design of E-Duhok DLR for DLR . 35 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . 37 4.1. Introduction. 37 4.2. E-Duhok DLRS . 37 4.3. Employee Information Panel . 38 iv 4.4. Land Registration . 39 4.5. Land View Details (information) . 40 4.5.1. LAND OWNERS . 41 4.5.2. LAND BORDERS. 41 4.5.3. UPDATE AREA . 42 4.5.4. EMPLOYEE APPROVING . 42 4.5.5. EDIT LAND . 42 4.5.6. SPLIT AND JOIN LAND . 43 4.5.7. VALUE OF LAND . 44 4.5.8. UPDATE MAP. 45 4.5.9. LAND REPORT DOCUMENT . 45 4.6. Fee Type . 47 4.7. Land Status . 48 4.7.1. RESERVATION LAND . 48 4.7.2. MORTGAGE LAND . 49 4.8. Search Land . 50 4.9. Sample of Statistics . 50 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK . 52 5.1. Conclusions. 52 5.2. Suggestions Future Work. 52 REFERENCES . 54 CURRICULUM VITAE. 57





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