Open Access BASE2013

Ryzyko zachowań korupcyjnych w instytucjach państwowych na przykładzie Służby Celnej RP : założenia teoretyczno-metodologiczne badań socjologicznych ; Risk of corruptive behaviour in state institutions on the example of the customs office in poland: theoretical and methodological assumptions of sociological studies


The paper is an attempt to outline a coherent methodological framework fostering a more sociologically informed perspective on the problem of corruption risk as it is typical of the functioning of state institutions in Poland. The approach is based upon the concept of a 'corruption event' which combines agential dispositions to take part in corrupt exchanges as well as their structural and systemic determinants. In this way, assuming the theory of social becoming as a starting point, the postulated methodology investigates the problem of corruption from the theoretical perspective of sociologies aiming to provide a holistic and synthetic ontology whose objective is to overcome the dichotomy between agency and structure.

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