Open Access BASE1996

The Agbiotech Bulletin, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 1996


The Agbiotech Bulletin Volume 4, Issue 9, September 1996. Code Number: NL96018 Sizes of Files: Text: 49.2K Graphics: no associated graphics files Saskatoon's Public Biotech Infrastructure Continues to Expand Saskatchewan is widely-recognized as a leading centre of Canada's agbiotech industry. The thirty firms which are located in the province 30 per cent of Canada's total had 400 employees, sales of $42.5 million, and R&D expenditures of $29.5 million in 1995. Sales are expected to surpass $300 million by the year 2000. Federal Government Agencies: National Research Council/Plant Biotechnology Institute The Plant Biotechnology Institute (PBI) produces new, exploitable biotechnologies for agriculture with the objective of diversifying crops and crop products. . Major research areas include: - Brassica biotechnology - Cereal biotechnology - Legume biotechnology - Seed oil modification - Growth regulation - Promoter technology - Gene expression - Business activities Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada/Saskatoon Research Centre Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's (AAFC) Saskatoon Research Centre has been positioned as the department's centre for western oilseeds research and the headquarters of Plant Gene Resources of Canada (see sidebar). Forage crops are an additional research focus. Major research areas include: - Oilseeds - Weed biocontrol group - Biocontrol of Insect Pests The headquarters of the Plant Gene Resource Centre of Canada has been relocated to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Saskatoon Research Centre. University of Saskatchewan Departments and Agencies: - Applied Microbiology and Food Science - Bio Insecticide Research Laboratory - Horticultural Science Public Organizations: - Ag-West Biotech Inc. - Animal Biotechnology Centre - Bioproducts Centre - Canadian Value Added Cereals Consortium - Crop Development Centre - POS Pilot Plant Corporation - Saskatchewan Research Council - VIDO News AFIF - Agricultural Biotechnology Program Call for Proposals The Saskatchewan Agri-Food Innovation Fund has called for proposals under the Agricultural Biotechnology Program. AgrEvo Purchases PGS Hoechst Schering AgrEvo GmbH and PGS International N.V. (PGS) announced that they have signed a definitive acquisition agreement. AgrEvo, which is held 60% by Hoechst AG and 40% by Schering AG, will acquire more than 75% of PGS for an aggregate consideration of approximately U.S. $550 million on August 30, 1996. AgrEvo will tender for the remaining shares of PGS at an equivalent consideration pursuant to an offer to be made to the remaining shareholders. Beef Development Centre Established A Beef Development Centre (BDC) has been officially established by the University of Saskatchewan. The Centre, a strategic partnership involving the Canadian beef industry, government, and the University of Saskatchewan, will focus on enhanced profitability in the beef industry through the creation of new markets, new products, and improved performance. Activities will include innovative research, knowledge transfer, and building linkages for a sustainable industry. Plant Tissue Culture Conference in Saskatoon Researchers from university, industry, and government laboratories met in Saskatoon in June to discuss recent achievements in plant tissue culture and genetic engineering. Oat and Barley Conference Over 500 people attended the 5th International Oat Conference and the 7th International Barley Genetics Symposium, held concurrently in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in August. Root Maggots Eating Up Canola Yields Two species of crucifer root maggots are becoming significant pests in prairie canola crops. Biotech Centre for New Brunswick Monsanto Receives Sustainable Development Award New Patents for Canola Seed Gene Promoter, Colored Cotton Calgene Inc. has been granted a US patent for Bce4, a canola seed gene promoter. Regulatory Transgenic Crop Imports Approved by Japanese Panel Events Mucosal Immunization/Genetic Vaccines Genetic Analysis in Livestock Plant and Animal Genome V Trends Two Thousand Projects in Europe Two thousand projects related to the development of transgenic crops are underway in countries of the European Union, according to the report European Crop Biotechnology. Herbicide Resistance on the Prairies Researchers at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Saskatoon Research Centre are joining the effort to combat herbicide Alliances Monsanto Ups Stake in Calgene Monsanto will increase its ownership of Calgene, Inc. to 54.6 per cent. Groupe Limagrain/Calgene Mycogen/AC Humko TechTransfer Commercialization of Food Pathogen Detection Kit Finance Monsanto Builds New Posilac Plant Issues Biosafety Protocol Stalled Over Liability Issue Sexual Discrimination in Science Resources Biotechnology Industry In Saskatoon Profiled The Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority has published a 1996/97 directory of biotech companies and support agencies in Saskatoon. COST Agriculture and Biotechnology Programme Program for Agricultural Co-operative Education Biotech Opportunities in Upper Midwest/Mountain States Pest Management News People Watch Agriculture Canada Agriculture Hall of Fame Agricultural Institute of Canada Canadian Seed Trade Association Advisory Council on Science & Technology Canadian Research Management Association Association of Provincial Research Organizations Synsorb Biotech Bioresearch Ireland/GABA Credits: Published by AG-WEST BIOTECH INC




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