Open Access BASE2012

The Representation of Dublin in Story and Song


Dublin is a complex, multi-faceted city-region which has in turn generated a complex, multi-faceted culture traversing a wide array of genres and narratives. Literary Dublin is widely known and celebrated; but the popular arts – cinema and music, for example – are likewise implicated in the imaginative representation of the city. Of these, the latter possesses an especially rich genealogy: a reservoir of images and associations accumulated over an extended period of time, itself based on an older ballad tradition in which the city functioned as an imaginative spatial resource for a diverse array of discourses (class, gender, nation, community, profession, etc.). Given the city's continuing centrality to the economic, cultural and political organisation of Ireland as a whole, it is likely that Dublin's significance will only grow as the country endeavours to come to terms with the extinction of the Celtic Tiger.




EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste

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