Open Access BASE2016

Gesetze für, gegen bzw. über Frauen im Buch Deuteronomium


The laws concerning women allow different interpretations of the role of women in Deuteronomy. A diachronic analysis of Deut 22:22–29; 22:13–21; 24:1–4 and 25:5–10 shows that the legislative hermeneutics of Deuteronomy tries to develop a very new vision of the position of women within the society. A synchronic examination of deuteronomic theology confirms this conclusion and inserts the laws concerning women in their process of emancipation, i.e. their liberation from religious, legal, economic, and sexual oppression. This is a modern aspect and it is innovative with regard to the old oriental society.




Herausgeberin: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss)

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