Open Access BASE2021

Determinants of the municipal average payment period and effectiveness of the commercial debt sustainability principle


The policies implemented to improve the liquidity of Spanish municipalities and the introduction of the commercial debt sustainability principle reveal the importance of controlling late payment by public sector. In this context, the purpose of this paper is to analyse the effect of the fiscal rule directed to control the average payment periods of public administrations and whether the political environment, socioeconomic characteristics and financial situation influence on the average payment period of municipalities. In order to achieve this goal, an exploratory analysis is carried oud and panel data methodology (2009-2015) is applied. The paper contributes to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the commercial debt sustainability principle and improves the knowledge for the analysis of short-term financial position. (C) 2021 ASEPUC. Publicado por EDITUM - Universidad de Murcia. to control the average payment periods of public administrations and whether the political environment, socioeconomic characteristics and financial situation influence on the average payment period of municipalities. In order to achieve this goal, an exploratory analysis is carried oud and panel data methodology (2009-2015) is applied. The paper contributes to provide evidence of the effectiveness of the commercial debt sustainability principle and improves the knowledge for the analysis of short-term financial position.

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