Open Access BASE2022

Proporcionalni izborni sistem sa jednom izbornom jedinicom i teritorijalna reprezentativnost parlamenta - primer Srbije, Holandije i Izraela ; Proportional electoral system with nationwide electoral district and territorial representation of the parliament - The cases of Serbia, the Netherlands and Israel


Rad analizira problem neadekvatne teritorijalne reprezentacije parlamenata koji se biraju putem proporcionalnog izbornog sistema sa jednom izbormom jedinicom. Predmet posmatranja su predstavnička tela Srbije, Holandije i Izraela sa tvrdnjama da na njihovu geografsku reprezentativnost dominantno utiču faktori koji nemaju direktne veze sa izbornim pravilima, kao što su etnička struktura društva i broj lista koje prelaze cenzus. Utvrđuje se da ne postoji jedinstvena pravilnost koja utiče na geografski sastav parlamenta u svakoj od ovih država, već se presudni faktori teritorijalne preprezenativnosti razlikuju u zavisnosti od društvenog konteksta u kome izborni sistem egzistira. ; This paper analyzes the problem of poor territorial representation of parliaments elected through a proportional electoral system with a nationwide electoral district. The subject of analysis are the representative bodies of Serbia, the Netherlands, and Israel, with the claim that their geographical representativeness is dominantly influenced by factors that have no direct connection with election rules, such as the ethnic diversity of society and the number of party lists that win seats in parliament. It is established that there is no single regularity that has an equal effect on the geographical composition of the parliament in each of these countries. Instead of that, the key factors of territorial representation are different depending on the social context in which the electoral system exists.




Faculty of Political Science of Zagreb University, Faculty of Political Science of Belgrade University and Serbian Political Science Association

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