Open Access BASE2002

E-Korean DSL Policy: Implications for the United States, 20 J. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L. 417 (2002)


In a comparative study of the DSL service developments between the US and South Korea, the author discusses the strength of South Korea in this regard and how the US counterpart can learn from the examples. First, the author argues the laws and regulations in South Korea make the DSL deployment flourish. The urban development in Seoul, for example, gets people "wired" easier and cheaper as city dwellers live in multi-dwelling units. In addition, the forward thinking of the South Korean government in laying the Korean Information Infrastructure culminates this rapid development. With a comprehensive plan in place, the economics of DSL supply and demand takes the South Korean into the Internet Age on a superhighway. The South Koreans enjoy low price and fast services from home to offices. In addition, software industry pours talents into the mix and that makes the optimal use of the infrastructure. The government also enjoys this successful DSL deployment. Borrowing from the Korean experience, the author recommends four considerations to the U.S. Broadband deployment. They are technical, regulatory, legal and economic considerations. These considerations are prevalent because of some misconceptions in the area. In all, the author advocates that the U.S. can benefit greatly from this comparative analysis.

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