Open Access BASE2021

Analisis Kedisiplinan dan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa selama Pembelajaran Daring


This research is motivated by government policies in the world of education, namely implementing an online learning system. This study aims to find out how the discipline and learning independence of fifth graders at SDN Banjarasih during online learning. The method in this study is a qualitative descriptive. Research data sources come from interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study explain that fifth grade students have the discipline and independence of learning quite well with the platforms used, namely zoom meetings and whatsapp groups, this can be seen from several indicators that have been observed that student learning discipline and independence are created slowly. Some of the teacher's efforts to instill discipline and independence student learning by doing various habits. Supporting factors as well as obstacles instilling discipline and independence in student learning, namely cellphone facilities, netwoks and quotas, teacher readiness and motivation from parents.

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