Open Access BASE2018

Minoritas Islam Dalam Politik di Amerika Latin


Latin America is a vast region that spread at southside of USA, from Mexico to Chile. Dominated by Catholicism, this region maintains its social and political culture inheritaged from 16th century. But by the 21st century Catholicism was challenged by the new religion. Islam is the majority religion in the Middle East and Asia slowly emerged and gets a lot of followers in Latin America. Using the qualitative analisys and library research, it is found that this religion is growing quite rapidly because of its honest and anti violence followers, as well as to be known as a religion of peace and tolerance. In today politics, religion is no longer just a private matter, it is a public concern and both are interrelated and in uence each other. Islam as the religion of minority plays a signi cant role in Latin America, including maintaining stability of society, so as the economy. Prominent Muslims also pay some political support albeit in a small scale, equals to its position as a minority.




Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta



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