Open Access BASE2006

Stockholm BioRegion : Erfarenheter och lärdomar av att stärka och utveckla bioteknik-/läkemedelssektorn genom ett klusterinitiativ i en storstadsregion


In recent years, the notion of the triple helix approach in regional policies has come to represent an important innovation in regional policy making. In the context of industrial policies in Sweden, there are two cases in point. Firstly, "National program for development of innovation systems and clusters in Sweden (Visanu)" and, secondly, the VINNVÄXT program launched by Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems. There is now a broad consensus amongst policy makers and practitioners that the triple helix approach is an effective form of economic governance for promoting economic development. In tandem with this new policy orthodoxy, regional scientists and related disciplines have shown an increased interest in the connection between contemporary structures of economic governance and the ability to create and sustain industrial competitiveness over the past decade. The overall objective of this study to examine the emergence and development of the Stockholm BioRegion-initiative, from being constituted as an informal network to a nonprofit association of regional businesses, academic and public actors in the counties of Stockholm and Södermanland. More specifically, the study is focusing on the process of mobilization amongst different actors (business, academia and public sector) with a stake in the biotech and pharmaceutical sector. One important finding is that the triple helix approach in the VINNVÄXT-program has stimulated the formation of collaborative arrangements comprising key organisations in the biotech/ pharmaceutical sector (e.g. AstraZeneca and Karloniska institutet) as well as public-private partnerships (e.g. Stockholm-Uppsala biotech partnership, STandUP). In the concluding part of the paper, implications for the triple helix approach in metropolitan regions are discussed. The empirical findings in the study draw on field research undertaken during autumn 2004 to midsummer 2005.




Uppsala universitet, Kulturgeografiska institutionen; Uppsala : CIND

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