Open Access BASE2020

Immigration, new religious symbols, and the dynamics of neighborhoods


Last decades' non-western immigration to Europe has resulted in culturally and religiously more diverse populations in many countries. One manifestation of this diversification is new features in the cityscape. Using a quasiexperimental approach, in which an unexpected political process that led way to the first public call to prayer from a mosque in Sweden is combined with rich, daily, information on housing sales and detailed monthly information on internal migration, this paper examines how one such new feature affects neighborhood dynamics. While our results indicate that the calls to prayer increased house prices closer to the mosque, we find no evidence of increased residential segregation between natives and immigrants.




Uppsala universitet, Nationalekonomiska institutionen; Uppsala universitet, Institutet för bostads- och urbanforskning (IBF); Lund Univ, Div Real Estate Sci, Lund, Sweden; CESifo, IEB, VATT, Uppsala, Sweden; Wiley



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