Open Access BASE2018

A Guide for a Fair Implementation of the Paris Agreement within Swedish Municipalities and Regional Governments : Part II of the Carbon Budget Reports Submitted to Swedish Local Governing Bodies in the 2018 Project "Koldioxidbudgetar 2020-2040"



Since 2015, Uppsala University has hosted the Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership, part of a 10-year series of visiting professorships (2015-2025) funded by Zennström Philanthropies. The ambition of the initiative is to tackle some of the largest challenges climate change poses to humanity, by developing new solutions and enabling transformational change at the intersection of science, politics and innovation. Kevin Anderson, Professor of Energy and Climate Change at the University of Manchester and Deputy Director at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research was the second holder of this professorship, taking up the positionin August 2016. He has pioneered research on carbon budgets and pathways to acceptable mitigation levels with a focus on Sweden and the UK (see Anderson et al., 2017 and Kuriakose et al., 2018). In 2017, Järfälla municipality contacted the Climate Change Leadership (CCL) Node at Uppsala University seeking a carbon budget for their municipality which was published later that year (Anderson et al., 2017). When this report was completed, more municipalities contacted CCL to request similar carbon budget calculations. The great interest resulted in the project, "Koldioxidbudgetar 2020-2040" (Carbon budgets 2020-2040) starting in2018 in collaboration with Ramboll. This ongoing project is characterised by a high level of collaboration and knowledge sharing between municipalities (kommuner), regional governments (län) and the Climate Change Leadership Node in order to produce reports that meet the needs and expectations of participating governing bodies. This report is part II of the project. Part I consists of individual carbon budget reports submitted to participating Swedish municipalities and regional governments.




Uppsala universitet, Naturresurser och hållbar utveckling; Uppsala universitet, Cemus; Uppsal

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