Open Access BASE2017

Holodomor 1932–1933 in Mykolaiv in the form of repression: the fate of people in the ways of historians' opinion and criminal cases ; . Голодомор 1932–1933 гг. на Николаевщине в форме репрессий: судьбы людей глазами историков, языком уголовных дел ; ГОЛОДОМОР 1932–1933РР. НА МИКОЛАЇВЩИНІ В ФОРМІ РЕПРЕСІЙ: ДОЛІ ЛЮДЕЙ ОЧИМА ІСТОРИКІВ, МОВОЮ КРИМІНАЛЬНИХ СПРАВ


Today the Ukrainian archives show the extraordinary openness of access to the documents associated with the embodiment of the Soviet state policy of the Holodomor to the Ukrainian peasantry. Started the return process is prohibited historical memory creates the conditions for the formation of a complex objective coverage of the historical path of the Ukrainian ethnos in a variety of situations tests of strength. Existing scientific groundwork for the return of nonexistence of documents certifying the fact of mass starvation, the scope and forms of realization of the terrible Soviet state policy is significant, but still remain insufficiently researched and not open to the public the life stories of real people and their lives, attitudes and actions. The author tries to implement one of the attempts to explore the tragedy of the Ukrainian people language real criminal cases and to prove not only the absurdity of the very terms of the sentence, and also the procedure of fabrication of cases and sentencing. The researcher convincingly prove consistency, not uniqueness, randomness, repressive cases against the Ukrainian peasantry of Mykolaiv region and manifest life-destinies of specific people who have become innocent victims of a deliberate and purposeful state policy of the Soviet leadership at all levels of government in 1932–1933. So, recently, a special relevance, according to the author, becomes the study of local history material, lighting for a wide range of readers of historical memory, truth, justice for documented sources of oral history. With a huge array of preserved criminal cases is one of the proofs of criminal activity of system of bodies of the Soviet power against Ukrainian peasants, regardless of nationality or religious preference. On the basis of the investigated cases it becomes clear that the whole system of proceedings in respect of the peasants was constructed in such a way that the evidence base has played a facilitating and not a mandatory part of proceedings, but the main thing was that the man was a farmer, led self-management had a clear life goals regarding farming, land use, form of ownership and organization of agriculture. To a large extent this was revenge for past activities that were not always friendly to the Bolshevik government. The records documented facts total withdrawal of all food and doom humans to extinction. Even thought became one of proofs of fault of defendants. The goal is reducing the number of Ukrainian rural population, which did not support Soviet reforms, and became the Foundation for the resistance movement and remained potentially dangerous. But politics of the Holodomor, the Soviet system has also used an open repressive policies against the Ukrainian population. To date, documented 2008 citizens of nikolayevshchina who are in the grip of terror. Exploring the tragic events of 1932–1933 staggering casualties, and behind each figure is an individual, his life, the hope, the frustration and the terrible tragedy of death. The number of casualties and remains controversial today, but we should not forget to explore modern processes in the Ukrainian society. Be constantly mindful of from 3,5 to 9 million tortured for two years the Soviet totalitarian system it is also necessary to analyze the statistics of the population today, for example, in the first nine months of the current 2016 only in the Mykolaiv area the population decreased by 5,3 thousand people, and this without imposing terrible policies of the famine, that is, only during this period, the Ukrainian population decreased by 2–3 villages. Relevant statistics and other areas. So after a certain time, the current economic and social policies have not received the definition of genocide of the Ukrainian population. The required memory of the victims of Ukrainians on the altar of the Soviet regime need to be protected and used in the education of new generations of our free and independent States. Criminals also have to name and pay tribute on the wall of shame. It is therefore necessary to continue research on existing documents of criminal cases and collected oral testimony ; В статье исследуются уголовные дела репрессированных жителей Николаевщины в 1932–1933 годах. Осуществляется попытка привлечь внимание читателей не прос- то к статистике жертв тоталитарного советского режима, а поднять проблему со- знания народа к совершаемым преступлениям чиновников и почтение памяти невин- ных жертв, о которых осталась информация в уголовных делах. Одновременно поч- тить память замученых голодом и не зафиксированых на страницах документов. Рас- крывается антигуманный, противоправный характер деятельности партийного и хо- зяйственного аппарата тотального уничтожения крестьянства Юга Украины и то- тальное изъятие их имущества. ; У статті досліджуються кримінальні справи репресованих мешканців Миколаївщини в 1932–1933 роках. Здійснюється спроба привернути увагу читачів не просто до ста- тистики жертв тоталітарного радянського режиму, а підняти проблему свідомості народу до вчинюваних злочинів посадовців та вшанування пам'яті невинних жертв, про яких залишились дані кримінальних справ і одночасно віддати данину поваги до замор- дованих голодом і не зафіксованих на сторінках документів. Розкривається антигу- манний, протиправний характер діяльності партійного та державного апарату в спра- ві тотального знищення селянства Півдня України і тотальної експропріації їхнього майна

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