Open Access BASE2017

Periodization of formation and development of military-naval education in Ukraine (early ХVІІІ – 50-90-ies of ХХ century) ; Періодизація становлення і розвитку військово-морської освітив Україні (початок ХVІІІ – 50-90-ті рр. ХХ століття )


The article substantiates the very notion of the term "periodization". Based on analyzed sources, there was formed the periodization of formation and development of military-naval education in Ukraine from the beginning of ХVІІІ century to 50–90-ies of ХХ century. The description of historical events that took place in the connection with the studied problem is given for each of these stages.The first stage – is pre-Peter epoch (from the beginning of navigation to 1701). In this time interval the acquirement of knowledge, skills and experience by sailors took place in the process of practical activity that corresponded to the trade level by content.The beginning of the second stage, generation of the net of educational institutions for training specialists for fleet, is considered by most scientists as 1701 – the year of signing the "Highest Order", that founded military-naval education (opening of the first military-naval school together with creation of the regular Russian fleet at the "Northern war").The third stage of the development of military-naval education (1798-1877) is connected with specialization of training of fleet officers at the expanse of differentiation of military-naval educational institutions.The beginning of the fourth stage (1877-1917) – formation of the system of multi-level military-naval and naval technical education is considered as the rise of additional professional education for re-training and increasing the staff qualification.The beginning of the fifth stage of the military-naval education development – reproduction of the system of military-naval education (1918 – early 1950-ies) is connected by historians with the opening of the Courses of fleet commanding staff – the first military-naval educational institution of the Soviet time in 1918.The sixth stage – is creation of the net of specialized educational institutions of the Navy (50-90-ies of ХХ century) is characterized by historians as the deepening of engineer education of fleet staff of all categories and specialties, conditioned by the rise of the atomic nuclear-missile fleet ; У статті обґрунтовується визначення самого терміну «періодизація. Подаються основні події, що відбувалися в Україні на кожному з означених етапів, починаючи від допетровської епохи і завершуючи утворенням мережі спеціалізованих освітніх закладів ВМФ у 50-90 роках ХХ століття. До кожного з цих етапів подається опис історичних подій, що відбулися у зв'язку з досліджуваною проблемою

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