Open Access BASE2018

Ментальність особистості: філософсько-освітній аспект ; PERSON'S MENTALITY: PHILOSOPHICAL EDUCATIONAL ASPECT


У статті розглядається феномен ментальності особистості як системи внутрішніх глибинно-психічних соціально-культурних установок індивіда. Розглядаються та обґрунтовуються ментальний підхід до осмислення феноменів соціально-індивідуального буття. Актуалізуються філософсько-освітні аспекти становлення ментальності особистості й основні «проблемні сторони» сучасної освіти через призму ментального підходу. ; Concepts and categories used in the modern social-humanitarian knowledge for the general and aspect characteristics of phenomena of society's and humans' activities, differing in universality have, nevertheless, certain national-ethnic or ethno-cultural length. This applies to the concept of «mentality», which in recent decades has been very actively used in the human sciences. Socio-philosophical understanding of problems ' complex of modern society (socio-economic and political failures and achievements, as well as the possible prospects of development) involves a detailed and in-depth study of the mental bases of occurring and emerging social processes.The need for developing the problem of the mentality is determined by the needs of social and humanitarian sciences: philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, history and others. The materialistic approach to society, that helped to clarify its structure and dynamics, focuses on the disclosure of material conditioning of humans' activities. But any particular historical society is socio-cultural education, and therefore human activity is defined by the social and cultural ties, peculiarities of psychological make-up and others. Studying mentality allows to open new determinants of human behavior on the one hand, and to enrich the content of the subject of philosophy, on the other hand.Mentality as the focus and openness of consciously mental world of the person can be seen as an ontological characteristic feature of human existence. By overrunning bodily and physical existence in the world of multi-dimensional relations, a person is able to engage in various forms of social and cultural process.

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