Open Access BASE2019

Theoretical bases of modeling of professional activity of applicants of higher education degree of the doctor of philosophy in postgraduate of military institution of higher education ; Теоретические основы моделирования профессиональной деятельности соискателей высшего образования степени доктора философии в адъюнктуре военного заведения высшего образования ; ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ОСНОВИ МОДЕЛЮВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ЗДОБУВАЧІВ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ СТУПЕНЯ ДОКТОРА ФІЛОСОФІЇ В АД'ЮНКТУРІ ВІЙСЬКОВОГО ЗАКЛАДУ ВИЩОЇ ОСВІТИ


Introduction: Modern trends in the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter - AF of Ukraine), set new requirements for the training of applicants for higher education in the degree of doctor of philosophy, i.e. Ph.D. It means that simple accumulation of knowledge and skills is no longer satisfactory, but the training of a highly qualified military specialist of the corresponding of level and profile, competitive, competent, completely mastered a military profession and oriented in related fields of activity, ready for permanent professional growth, social and professional mobility is required.According to the normative and legacy basis of Ukraine, the training of applicants for higher education in Ph.D. degree involves gaining the theoretical knowledge, skills and other competencies sufficient for the production of new ideas, solving complex problems in the field of professional and/or research and innovation activity. It requires mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activity, as well as conducting own scientific research, the results of which have a scientific novelty, theoretical and practical value. Purpose: is to explain the theoretical bases of modeling the professional activity of higher education Ph.D. graduates in the postgraduate study program; develop methodological and practical recommendations for the training of military personnel of higher qualification. Methods of research: the method of analysis and synthesis and the method of expert evaluations are used. Results: The ultimate goal of training doctors of philosophy graduates in the postgraduate study program in military institutions of higher education, based on the principles of humanism and humanization, should be education not only of a military professional, but also primarily of a socially active conscious personality. Proceeding from the foregoing, the main ways of its achievement are introduction of modern technologies and scientific achievements, elimination of unification of education and authoritarian pedagogy, preparation of a new generation of personnel.Originality: Modeling the professional activity of higher education graduates of the Ph.D. degree in postgraduate programs gives an opportunity to look more broadly at the tasks of preparation and use of scientists and researchers. It important to assess the quality of work of different parts of an educational institution to determine the main competences of military-professional activity, based on which one can to organize and plan the process of preparation at the departments to achieve the optimal result in the form of a competent doctor of philosophy.Conclusion: The modeling of the degree of Ph.D. in the postgraduate study program in military institutions of higher education in the context of strengthening the professionalization of military service will be one of the effective means of improving the training of officers for future military-professional activities. In pedagogy, more than in other fields of science, a dialectical approach is needed: the search for new things, the renewal of the old, the use of best practices, and the rejection of what was not justified. ; В статье отображены теоретические основы моделирования профессиональной деятельности соискателей высшего образования степени доктора философии в адъюнктуре военного заведения высшего образования и возможные пути их решения при организации подготовки в военных заведениях высшего образования (научных учреждениях). Моделирование профессиональной деятельности соискателей высшего образования степени доктора философии в адъюнктуре военного заведения высшего образования дает возможность шире взглянуть на задачи подготовки и использования научных и научно педагогических работников, оценивая качество роботы различных подразделений учебного заведения, определить основные компетенции профессиональной деятельности для достижения оптимального результата. ; У статті окреслено теоретичні основи моделювання професійної діяльності здобувачів вищої освіти ступеня доктора філософії та можливі шляхи їх впровадження при організації підготовки ад'юнктури у вищих військових закладах вищої освіти (наукових установах).

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