Open Access BASE2019



Overlooked the conditions for occurrence of ethnical conflicts in Ukraine based on long-time social and politics instability in the state and features of certain regions with high-density population of ethnic minorities. Outlined possible outcomes in case of beginning of ethnical conflicts. Defined position and role of National Guard in case of law enforcement units operating in the area. Predicted the general service and combat tasks of National Guard. The reason for this is that the position of traditional interstate conflicts is replaced systematically by interior and local conflicts, including so called hybrid warfare in Ukraine, at that among the first are prevalent `conflicts of identity` - national, ethnical, religious (interethnic conflict). The danger of such conflicts is determined by vulnerability of modern societies and underdevelopment of countermeasure methods. Last time events such as annexation of Crimea, Donbas (interior conflicts in the countries of the Near East and North Africa), also history of Soviet Union (Fergana, Karabachos, Abkhazia, the Baltic states and Trans Dniester) show that the state of international (interethnic) and interreligious relationships one of the main factors, which influence on social and political situation in the state, and particularly in this regions was noticed and continue to be observed some negative tendencies. The practice of the past and modern times shows, that the main tasks as implementing of security procedures and methods of force, focused on localization of the interethnic conflict area, suppressing of mass riots and standardization of situation are performed actually by law enforcement establishments. Therefore, it is necessary to define the extract characteristics of international relationships, level of cultural and social neighbourship or standoffishness between national-ethnic groups, also possible regions of beginning of interethnic conflicts in Ukraine. Due to this, it is possible to predict service and combat tasks of the National Guard of Ukraine. Analysis of historical practice shows that development and formation of most modern countries were not done without shattering impact of ethno-national minorities. The presence (or absence) ethno-political conflicts determines the level of political stability and secure progress of one or another country. The whole spectrum of ethno-historical based conflicts (as ethno-cultural, ethno-religious, ethnoterritorial, ethno-economical, ethno-political conflicts etc.) from objective side are interethnic phenomenon, i.e. collision between two and more ethno-historical subjects. That is why interethnic conflict is a currently important subject from the viewpoint of it`s formation and possible consequences. ; Розглянуто умови виникнення міжетнічних конфліктів в Україні виходячи із тривалої соціальнополітичної нестабільності у державі та характеристик окремих регіонів з компактним проживанням етнічних меншин. Обґрунтовано можливі наслідки у разі виникнення міжетнічних конфліктів. Визначено роль і місце Національної гвардії України у разі виконання завдань силами охорони правопорядку у цій обстановці. У загальному вигляді прогнозовані службово-бойові завдання Національної гвардії.

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