Open Access BASE2018

Патології в системі державного управління України часів відновлення незалежності ; Pathologies in the system of public administration of Ukraine during the time of the restoration of independence


Проаналізовано патології в системі державного управління за роки відновлення незалежності Української держави. Запропоновано підходи щодо підвищення дієвості реалізації державного управління в Україні за умов прояву зовнішніх та внутрішніх загроз і викликів сучасності. ; Problem setting. After regaining its independence in 1991, Ukraine embarked on a legal, socially oriented, democratic state with a developed civil society. However, on the way, in addition to its achievements, significant losses of domestic statehood were revealed, due not only to the complexity and historical long-term nature of the process of building the Ukrainian state, but also to the lack of a coherent strategy for its radical reform program, but also to the deviant performance and deficiencies of public administration in solving the vital problems of public life.Recent research and publications analysis. According to historical experience, at the stage of development of states, pathologies in public administration are often found, which are systematic deviations in the performance of state authorities and ultimately lead to failures in achieving the declared goals and objectives. Consideration of deviations and consequences of these deviations, namely pathologies in public administration in general and in certain areas of it in particular, was the subject of the research made by either domestic scientists and by foreign scientists.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. Despite the considerable scientific achievements in this area, the issue of the exposure of possible pathologies in public administration of modern Ukraine is still insufficiently studied in Ukrainian science.The paper objective is to analyze the factors of pathologies in public administration and to find ways of eliminating their influence both on socio-political, socio-economic relations in our country, and on the state policy, which subordinates all spheres of public life to its goals.Paper main body. The author's determination of the definition of deviations in public administration is suggested: "pathologies in public administration – are the causes of chronic failure to achieve the set goals or their achievement with significant resource losses that pose a special danger for the development of the state and social communities" and presents the own integrated classification of these pathologies, which is composed of five groups of factors.The first in the suggested classification are dysfunctions of public administration, in the concept of which there is usually invested the understanding of the incorrect (or incomplete) implementation of a specific function, or a functional violation of the qualitative nature of the action of any body of public authorities. Dysfunctional factors include: technical ineffectiveness of performers; bureaucracy; corruption; lobbyism; the stagnation of administrative activity; application of the technology of "soft", "reasonable" and "hard" force.The second group of factors includes a defect of public administration, i.e. ineffective, false, as well as untimely adopted managerial decisions of the state, the execution or non-fulfilment of which is caused by crises and conflicts in the state. In addition to these decisions, we add to the defects of public administration the influence of external management on our state and the types of managerial paradigms.To the third group of factors of the imbalances in public administration refer difficulties with the implementation by the system of government authorities of its standard functions in the complicated and rapidly changing conditions of the present; insufficient flexibility of public administration mechanisms; appearance in the part of society of the states of anomy and nihilism; significant budget deficit; inadequate logical implementation (or realization) of the declared and promised reforms to the society.The next group of factors includes the risks in public administration, which have a significant potential impact on the entire system as a whole and its subsystems in particular. The risks include not only the role of reputation risks but also the unprofessional nature of the managerial elite and performers as well as the level of their patriotism.The last component of the government's pathologies in this classification is its uncertainty, which should be understood as the objective individual limitations of human capabilities to fully cover and perceive the points of origin of bifurcations and the further development of probable scenarios of this management. These include: the lack of sufficient information, populism and the state of the "choice without a choice."Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Specific approaches are suggested for increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of public administration in Ukraine in the conditions of the appearance of external and internal threats and challenges of our time.

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