Open Access BASE2018

Особливості децентралізації влади в країнах із федеративним державним устроєм ; Features of power decentralization in federal states


Розглянуто практики децентралізації влади в країнах із федеративним державним устроєм, який допоможе визначити особливі інноваційно-трансформаційні процеси, пов'язані із реформуванням місцевого самоврядування у світі. І хоча вперше в новітній історії України триває реформа місцевого самоврядування, яку називають основною в переформатуванні публічної влади, вона вже має позитивний вплив на здійснення управлінської діяльності загалом, але для нас залишаються нерозкритими питання децентралізації публічної влади в країнах із федеративним державним устроєм. ; Problem setting. World practices clearly illustrate that a full-fledged existence of an institution of local self-government is not possible without reforming the system of public power on the basis of decentralization. The search for rational ways of political, administrative, fiscal and sectorial decentralization in Ukraine that would meet modern democratic demands and ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens indicates that this is a complicated and controversial process that requires knowledge of world trends, possible mistakes and risks, tools overcome them.Recent research and publications analysis. In recent years, researchers have given their attention to various aspects of decentralization of public authority. Ukranian researchers A. Tkachuk, V. Averyanov, S. Romanyuk investigated the application of foreign experience of decentralization and reformation of local self-government in Ukraine. A. Malii, V. Gulina, I. Trofimova in their works considered the relations of a national government with local authorities in European countries. The questions of fiscal decentralization were dealt with by M. Suleymanov, O. Riabokon, V. Kravchenko and others.Foreign authors: Meningn N., Parison N., Brosio Giorgio, Jimenez Juan Pablo, Dias Serano, and others pointed to the need to transfer the balance of power from the higher to the lowest level of public administration in their work.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The analysis of scientific research and literature showed that the peculiarities of the decentralization of public authority in countries with a federal state system in the national science have been studied rather weakly, but their research will allow us to highlight the main features that, with further elaboration, will give an opportunity to get a complete picture of the phenomenon called decentralization, and to look at its significance for Ukraine in a new way.Paper main body. The power decentralization in Canada occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. The need for such reforms is due to various aspects: the need to improve the management of the economy, greater democratization of the decision-making process, taking into account the needs of new interest groups.In the USA under presidents Richard Nixon (1969 – 1974) and Ronald Reagan (1981 – 1989), decentralization trends were initiated by the center. President Nixon refers to the term "new federalism", which he understood as a large degree of states involvement in the management of the country.As a result of reforms on the decentralization of public power, Germany now has a well-defined division of responsibilities between subnational, national and local municipal structures.In Belgium, with the adoption in 1993 of the changes to the Constitution, which envisaged the final transformation of the state from unitary to federal, the organization of power was divided into three levels: federal, regional and linguistic communities, which involves a complex system of division of powers.There is interesting the experience of decentralization of public power in Russian Federation.Federated countries of Latin America viewed the decentralization of public power as an important, although far from the only component of the modernization of administrative-territorial reform.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Decentralization plays an important role in the democratization and transformation of society, transition to institutions based on the initiative and responsibility of both an individual and a community. The tendency towards its wide implementation is observed in the administrative, political, budgetary, financial, social spheres, contributes to the development of human potential, the responsibility of the authorities, the improvement of the quality of state and public services, the consolidation of society, the resolution of economic, legal, political, ethnic problems, etc.Federate countries show a high degree of political decentralization, which is expressed in transferring the balance of public power from the national to the subnational (regional) level to achieve the democratization of society. Local government in such countries acts as a subject of decentralization of the whole public sphere, but not only the government sector.

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