Open Access BASE2019



У статті здійснено аналіз вітчизняного досвіду організації неформальної громадянської освіти, що дозволить розширити форми й методи професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних працівників.Молодіжну роботу розглядають як ефективний засіб неформальної громадянської освіти – навчання молоді тому, як жити за умов сучасної держави, як дотримуватися її законів, але водночас і не дозволяти владі порушувати їхні права, домагатися від неї здійснення їхніх правомірних потреб, як бути громадянином демократичного суспільства. ; The article analyzes the national experience of organizing informal civic education as a means of informal civic education, which will allow expanding the forms and methods of professional training of future social workers.Youth work is seen as an effective means of informal civic education – teaching young people how to live in the modern state, how to comply with its laws, but at the same time not to allow the authorities to violate their rights, to ensure that they exercise their legitimate needs as a citizen of a democratic society. The problems of civic education of youth are always in the focus of teachers, public figures and politicians. The concept of informal education is analyzed. The main results of the Youth Center "Start" activity are revealed. Youth work is aimed at providing opportunities for the development of young people, their independence and autonomy; for the organization of healthy and safe leisure and recreation of youth; the expansion of young people to change the situations that they believe should be changed in their immediate surroundings and in society; helping young people interact with authorities and politicians to create opportunities for young people to engage in non-formal education, which contributes to the development of their competences. The causes of fragmentary education in Ukraine are determined. The reasons why youth work is seen as an effective means of informal civic education are determined. The main areas of the centre's activity, experience of cooperation with other centres in Ukraine and beyond are considered. The experience of institutions of higher education in implementing effective means of informal civic education is also worth attention.

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