Open Access BASE2019

Functional definition of public organization as a social service provider ; Функціональне визначення громадської організації як соціального сервіс-провайдера


Problem setting. Based on the level of public cooperation with the stakeholders in social progress, the public organization carries out synergistic action and unites the interests of both the state and society towards achieving the main goal of modern development – providing quality public services to individual citizens, united territorial communities, etc. incorporated into the updated content of public administration. Such an approach is possible in the case of a complete rethinking of the place and role of the civic asset in public-management relations and the mission of public policy towards promoting the priority humanistic ideas of the society.Recent research and publications analysis. The problem of the priority of service-oriented services in the activities of the state and society is increasingly interested in foreign and national researchers. They also focus on key approaches to modernizing public administration with a focus on new service policy. Recognizing the contribution of foreign scientists to the study of problems of development of relations between society and the state, let us focus on the representatives of national science in the field of public administration. In particular, A. Bondarenko, P. Klimushin and D. Spasibov, O. Obolensky and V. Soroko and others. In addition to the above-mentioned issues, the characteristic of the service model of direct public administration, which is the newest area of research in Ukraine, seems to us close to the topic.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In the study, we operate on a number of concepts that visualize the perspective of a public benefit entity – a public organization that aims to provide social service delivery to united communities through modern innovation through close public policy support. The tools of this process are based on approaches that modernize public administration in the direction of optimizing the sphere of public service delivery based on the implementation of the concept of a service state. Its adapted basis should be based on managerial innovations of public policy with the participation of all subjects of public-state relations aimed at ensuring the process of providing quality services to territorial communities. In our opinion, this is the goal of a service-oriented state and society that actualizes the influence of modernized approaches to public-management relations and initiates the expansion of cooperation with various forms of civic self-organization. In this case, we focus on the active reorientation of the public organization as a social service provider. Its functional purpose is the quality of human life within the limits of the newest self-organized forms.Paper main body. In the content of our study, we also try to clearly identify the phenomenon of a modern public organization, which is characterized as the formation of a socially useful action, aimed at providing public services to the community. In general, other communities, this community differs, in addition to its stated purpose, in activating the socially useful function, the use of managerial and technological innovations and ways of financing it. The category of such non-governmental organizations should include a service-oriented institution that positions itself not socially but narrowly, but socially. Although the latter is not fundamental, as the number of such structures may not be limited. After all, the state is interested mainly in supporting organizations aimed at securing the interests of a limited number of citizens (corporate or professional group), but of the mass recipient of social services. State interest is also manifested here in the functioning of such a public organization, whose socially beneficial action is to initiate service to local communities, to individual citizens, where the state is either unable or under some circumstances or in need of such assistance. Public policy can promote NGOs as social service providers and in other statutory cases (cooperation in regional or national programs, grants, strategies, etc.). Some of the above functional features of a non-governmental organization as a social service provider, however, will be discussed in more detail because, in our opinion, they have a decisive influence on its definition.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Modern democratic processes are designed in such a way that public organizations are able to respond to the contemporary challenges of the state and society under conditions of mutual readiness for public and administrative change. Chief among them is a partnership to ensure the interests of citizens by providing them and their self-organized forms of quality service. The public benefit organization has another important mission - to balance the national interests and interests of the united territorial communities resulting from the decentralization of the management system. Considering that the process of public administration should reflect the democratic principles of subjective reality, we consider the participation of citizens in self-organization of their life as an undeniable right to freedom of action. Therefore, taking into account the judgments about public management as an organizing activity of people, we can assume that the nature of public-management relations is caused by the needs of society and all forms of self-organization of human life (both public organizations and territorial communities) are intended to provide them with priority. The new civil society institutions should be relieved of excessive pressure from the state, leaving behind the possibility of cooperation, assistance and legal support for their activities. After all, public policy should be aimed at providing communities with the necessary services, and the tools of this process should be upgraded public organizations of public benefit - modern social service providers. Functionally, a non-governmental organization must act on the basis of recognition of the fundamental principles of activity as a social service provider. They are based on the main criteria for the subjectivity of public organization, principled approaches to action and recognition of the rule of law and public administration. ; Здійснено обґрунтування нового виду інституції громадянського суспільства – громадської організації як соціального сервіс-провайдера. Запропоновано характеристику функціональних особливостей та принципові властивості, що актуалізують суспільно-корисні та сервісно-орієнтовані можливості оновленої організації. Уперше введено до наукового обігу принципові переваги залучення до публічної політики громадської організації як соціального сервіс-провайдера. Закцентовано увагу на синергетичному залученні до співпраці всіх суб'єктів публічно-управлінських відносин із прицілом на задоволення найпріоритетніших соціально-сервісних інтересів представників територіальних громад за допомогою застосування модерних управлінських і технологічних інновацій.

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