Open Access BASE2019

The improvement of the state regulation mechanism of the market of cash collection and transportation of currency values services in Ukraine ; Удосконалення механізму державного регулювання ринку надання послуг з інкасації коштів та перевезень валютних цінностей в Україні


Problem setting. National Bank of Ukraine as a state central banking institution establishes rules and regulations which define the cash collection and transportation of currency values (hereinafter – cash collection) procedures in banking institutions in Ukraine, issues licenses for the right to cash collection and transportation of banknotes, coins and other values, and carries out state control over compliance with the rules and procedures of cash collection operations in banking institutions in Ukraine.Until 2016, a classical controlled scheme of cash circulation organization was working in the system of National Bank of Ukraine. It stipulated delivery of currency values (new banknotes, coins, commemorative coins, etc.) from the National Bank of Ukraine Central Repository to the regional departments of cash circulation. During the internal transformation of the National Bank of Ukraine in 2016 – 2019, the classical controlled scheme of cash circulation organization in Ukraine was changed to a delegated model of cash circulation organization. During the process of practical approbation, some shortcomings and risks were detected in this new model, which, as a result, have a negative influence on the role, tasks, and functions of the National Bank in the banking system of Ukraine. There was a proposal to transform the cash circulation system of the National Bank in the part of creating the cash circulation alternative scheme of the National Bank and the transportation of currency values in the system of the National Bank exclusively using subdivisions that transport the values of the National Bank. It was made to promptly respond to the existing and potential threats to the national interests, national security of Ukraine, preservation of the state influence on the market of cash collection services in Ukraine and the mechanisms of its regulation.Recent research and publications analysis. Domestic and foreign scholars did not pay due attention to the study and analysis of the delegated model of cash circulation functioning in Ukraine, its benefits, risks, and shortcomings, and also to the cash collection and transportation of the currency values functioning in the banking system of Ukraine. The analysis of the activities of the state cash collection subdivisions in the countries of CIS and Eastern Europe shows that in most cases they are created and operate on the basis of a central bank of a country and provide, except for the internal transportation of values, a stable presence of the state on the market of cash collection and transportation of currency values services.Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In 2016, employees of the National Bank of Ukraine lost the status of public officials. We consider that given the legal status of the National Bank, its state tasks and functions, full deprivation of all the National Bank employees of the public officials status, especially during active military actions on the territory of Ukraine, was pointless. Restoring the status of public officials will contribute to the independence of the National Bank and the adoption of effective and responsible administrative decisions by the bank administration.The main purpose of the article is not only to study and analyze the modern market of cash collection and transportation of currency values functioning in the banking system of Ukraine but also to find different ways of its successful transformation, to provide suggestions for improving the state regulation mechanism of the market of cash collection services in Ukraine, and to increase the role and image of the National Bank as an independent central bank of Ukraine.Paper main body. At present, the transportation of currency values subdivisions in Ukrainian banking institutions, legal entities which obtained proper licenses from the National Bank and the National Bank subdivisions of transportation of values provide cash collection and transportation of currency values in the banking system of Ukraine.For the sake of full security and stabilization of the situation on the market of cash collection and transportation of currency values services, it is needed to cardinally change the approaches of solving these issues and to increase the effectiveness of the state regulation in the transportation of the values and cash collection.To avoid the risks of values loss, fraudulent actions and abuses, saving the lives and health of the cash collectors, the National Bank shall always increase the requirements for the creation and maintaining working conditions of the cash collection subdivisions of the banking institutions and CIT-companies.Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Summarizing the above, we offer the following suggestions to overcome the systematic challenges and threats in the banking system of Ukraine, in particular, we propose:– to create a national state enterprise at the National Bank based on the National Bank Central Repository, for example, Ukrincas, and to renew state cash collection of the enterprises, trade networks, and organizations;– to introduce an alternative scheme of the National Bank cash circulation and to transport the currency values in the system of the National Bank exclusively by the National Bank subdivisions of the transportation of values;– to improve the state regulation mechanism of the market of cash collection and transportation of currency values services in Ukraine, in particular, by increasing the requirements for the terms of issuing licenses to legal entities by the National Bank of Ukraine for the right to provide the banks with services of cash collection and also by strengthening the control over their activities;– to define a single educational institution with its extensive network of regional institutes, which, according to the program agreed by the National Bank, will be occupied with the professional training and education of the employees of cash collection and transportation of values subdivisions;– to provide centralized development of the methodological materials and a manual on the organization of cash collection and transportation of values;– to restore the employees of the National Bank of Ukraine which carry out the administrative and regulatory functions, in their status of public officials;– to initiate and to make appropriate changes to the normative legal documents that regulate the procedure of cash collection and transportation of currency values in Ukraine. ; Обґрунтовано необхідність удосконалення механізму державного регулювання ринку надання послуг з інкасації коштів та перевезень валютних цінностей в Україні, зокрема підвищення вимог до умов видачі Національним банком України юридичним особам ліцензії на надання банкам послуг з інкасації та посилення контролю за їх діяльністю. З метою невідкладного реагування на наявні і потенційні загрози національним інтересам, національній безпеці України, в умовах постійного зменшення кількості банківських установ в Україні, що мають власні підрозділи інкасації та перевезення цінностей, наявності ризиків зміни форми власності державних уповноважених банків, збереження державного впливу на ринок надання послуг з інкасації коштів і перевезень валютних цінностей в Україні та механізмів його регулювання, запропоновано трансформувати систему грошового обігу Національного банку України в частині створення альтернативної схеми готівкового обігу Національного банку України та здійснення перевезень валютних цінностей в системі Національного банку України винятково силами підрозділів перевезення цінностей Національного банку України. Порушено питання щодо відновлення статусу державних службовців окремим категоріям працівників Національного банку України та створення єдиного сертифікованого центру професійної підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації інкасаторів та водіїв.

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