Open Access BASE2018

ПОДАННЯ ЕЛЕКТРОННИХ ДОКАЗІВ ДО СУДУ В ЦИВІЛЬНОМУ СУДОЧИНСТВІ: ПРОБЛЕМИ ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ ; Submission of electronic evidence to court in civil procedure: problems and prospects


У статті проаналізовано положення чинного цивільного процесуального законодавства України, що регулюють порядок подання електронних доказів до суду. Указано на позитивні та негативні риси окремих способів подання доказів. Обґрунтовано вирішення деяких спірних питань за допомогою презумпції належності електронних доказів. Описано авторське бачення організації роботи Єдиної судової інформаційно-телекомунікаційної системи. ; Digital evidence is an important concept for the theory of various procedural legal sciences. The introduction of this new means of proof into the civil procedural legislation of Ukraine led to the need for a detailed study of the peculiarities of the legislative regulation of the digital data use in justice.The general ways of submitting evidence to court, provided for by the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine, are: 1) to submit evidence together with a statement of claim or a reference to it; 2) through the court registry; 3) via the Uniform Judicial Information and Telecommunication System, or 4) in a court hearing together with a petition for the attachment of evidence. The submission of electronic evidence using UJITS is potentially the most convenient way, but until the System works, one can only hope the developers would thoroughly devise all the nuances of its functioning. At the moment, among all possible, the submission of electronic evidence together with statements on the merits of the case appears to be the most rational and easy way, although the delay in bringing the by-laws in accordance with the current procedural law significantly reduces the effectiveness of judicial reform. The submission of electronic evidence in a court hearing encounters difficulties with its prior assessment.It is concluded that the presumption of relevance of electronic evidence, widespread in many foreign countries, may become a solution for this issue.

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